
Obituaries » Thomas R Strapac

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Thomas R Strapac

June 26, 1952 - February 2, 2020

Obituary Viewed 4637 times

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Becky, You have lost your loving husband and memory partner. We have lost a wonderful and caring brother. We will miss Tom deeply. You surely know you have our deepest sympathy and our love as well. If you need anything, we are a phone call away. Affectionately, Donna

Posted by Donna Strapac - sister-in-law on February 10, 2020

Uncle Tom....he was one of the good ones and a Strapac through and through. One of my favorite things about Uncle Tom was his amazing storytelling, as many have mentioned. He had this way of sucking you in with his witty commentary, well researched opinions and pointed hand gestures. When he was really into a story, his former Bronx accent would slowly begin to creep into his speech and it always made me laugh. Boy did I love a good Tom story! I don’t remember this next story, but it was one of Tom’s more famous tales and it was all about the time he babysat Scott and I many moons ago. Apparently, we didn’t listen worth a damn , were total brats, and even tried to climb out a window to get away from him. He never babysat us again and we laughed about it for years. Sorry for being a pain in the butt Uncle Tom! (He told this story much better and you would have been howling with laughter). I have many good memories of holidays, picnics, birthdays, and weddings with Tom and Aunt Becky. However, what i will always remember and admire most is his complete and. total devotion and love for Becky, and she for him. They were a shining example of how two people should love and treat one another. Aunt Becky, I have been thinking about you and your enormous loss all week. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin to navigate the murky waters of life without the love of your life. My heart is breaking for you and loving you. I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes, as it seems very fitting for your love story. “There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, So just give me a happy middle And a very happy start.” - Shel Silverstein.

Posted by Stacy Walker - Niece on February 7, 2020

Becky - So sorry for your loss. You're in our thoughts and prayers. When thinking back on my memories of Tom, I always enjoyed conversations with him. His storytelling was always engaging and funny, whether we were discussing Seattle politics (No more bike lanes!!!) or family history. I remember playing football at one family event and right in the middle of the game, he started doing jumping jacks. I think video of it exists somewhere. Again, so sorry for your loss.

Posted by Scott, Jennifer, Nicholas & Griffin Strapac on February 7, 2020

Here's a quote which has a special meaning to me because it brings back so many great memories of Tom - "It snowed last year too: I made a snowman and my brother knocked it down and I knocked him down and then we had tea." The snowman in this quote was a blanket fort Tom had made when he was about four or five and I was nine or ten. He had spent a considerable amount of time building his fortress and I did what any older brother would usually do - I knocked it down. Naturally, Tom was pretty upset with me so he ripped his belt off and began beating me with the buckle end of the belt. One swing caught me on the head and pretty soon I was bleeding all over the place. Little brother Tom had taken care of his older brother Paul. After a few minutes brotherly love returned - he helped clean me up and I helped put his fort back together. That's the way it is with brothers and that's the way it will always be. Brothers to the end. I will always cherish those special times we shared (there were many) and my only wish is that we could have shared so many more. I will miss you Tom and will always love you.

Posted by Paul Strapac on February 7, 2020

Dear Becky... I am so sorry to hear about Tom's passing. I do have very fond memories as a child growing up and visiting with him. He always seemed to actually want to spend time with us kids and was genuinely interested in our lives. I remember his sense of humor and how he made us laugh with his stories. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and my prayer is that the Lord will bring you comfort during this time. Love Elisabeth

Posted by Elisabeth Strapac Byers on February 6, 2020

Will miss you and talks about all the crazy stuff going on. Will do everything thing I can to help Sue (Becky) through this sad time learning to live without her best friend.

Posted by Diana on February 6, 2020

Becky, I’m so sorry for your loss. You and Uncle Tom made a special couple. I’ll always remember the stories he would tell about his older brothers “messing” with him when they were growing up and how he would make us laugh. You will be in my prayers during this difficult time.

Posted by Shirley Strapac on February 6, 2020

Sue, my heart is breaking for you. Tom and you were perfect for each other. He loved to travel and you both had some wonderful trips. He enjoyed talking about current affairs and could not understand why things were so crazy. We would get into some good talks and laughs. He had a g

Posted by Bonnie Sue\'s (Becky\'s) sister on February 6, 2020

Dear Becky, my heart aches for your loss of your beloved Tom. He will be missed so very much by all of us in the family. He was a special brother-in-law, and I can’t tell you how much our visits with the both of you meant to us. I already miss the sound of his voice and his wise opinions on all subjects; his thoughtful and compassionate ways with people and animals; and making me laugh so hard at his wonderful humorous remarks . He was so intelligent and well-read and so cleverly funny. I must say that Tom was one of my favorite people and life without him leaves a very empty space in my heart. You and Tom were a very special couple and meant to be together. I can’t imagine your grief. Please remember that John and I are here for you and keep you in our prayers. Much love to you Becky, Ellen

Posted by Ellen Strapac. Tom’s sister-in-law on February 6, 2020

Tom overcame the challenges of growing up with limited to non existent parental guidance and support to become an exceptional and caring human being. Tom surely knew something very special happened in his life when he met and married Becky because he devoted his life to her well being until his untimely death. Tom’s love of animals was unique to witness and his thoughtfulness to his siblings was unmatched. As his eldest brother I will always remember the deep attachment we felt when together. I will always sustain respect and trust for his insightful conversations we shared long distance. I will always love my little brother Tom for being who he was: the best guy and friend a brother could have. His big brother Jimmy

Posted by John Strapac- Tom’s elder brother on February 6, 2020