
Obituaries » Steven A Burdick

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Steven A Burdick

November 19, 1952 - September 9, 2020

Obituary Viewed 6011 times

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Steve called me a lot especially in late Summer and Fall to discuss local campaigns. He was a good guy and a problem solver. I enjoyed Steve have missed those calls over the last few months! I am very sorry to hear he has died. Very sad. I will have to memorialize him in my own way, but he loved the politics "game." And I know he loved his family very much.

Posted by Sheila Stickel on August 19, 2021

I worked with Steve in many, many campaigns, starting with Jim McDermott's in 1972. Steve just showed up at the office and began rapidly addressing envelopes. He became an essential part of that campaign. He worked on many school levy efforts with me, then moved on to having his own fund-raising and campaign work business. We admired his skills at those things. He became almost a member of our whole family, who will miss him. I know his actual family will, too, and send the all my good wishes.

Posted by Harriet Wasserman on September 26, 2020

The last time I saw Steve was when I paid him for collecting signature for I-735 several years ago. I remember his good humor and dedication to politics.

Posted by Alice Woldt on September 24, 2020

Dear Joan and family, so sorry for your loss of Steve. I love playing at your house as a child I remember him teasing us from time to time. My heart goes out to all of you!

Posted by Pam (Olsen) McGoun on September 21, 2020

From your former babysitter...loved sitting with you four! So sorry to see Steven died. When I saw that your mom had passed, I really intended to get in touch with Ellen, as I had her name in the obit. Sadly, I put it aside...what 3 years ago now? I think of you four kids so often, especially when I drive by your home (now it belongs to Tom Douglas, chef) and wonder what all of you ended up doing. Would love to touch base with one of you and hear more about what became of the four of you....

Posted by Janice King Blair on September 20, 2020