
Obituaries » Michael T. Kavanaugh

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Michael T. Kavanaugh

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Michael T. Kavanaugh, PhD 

Respected Economist

Environmental economist Michael Kavanaugh died Sunday, Jan. 27 (age 70) due to complications of lung cancer. An economic consultant, Dr. Kavanaugh was well known for his research, analysis and expert testimony on environmental issues.

Dr. Kavanaugh, a native of Cincinnati, got his B.A. at Xavier University and his PhD at the University of Cincinnati. He served as Senior Economist with Public Interest Economics Foundation, both in San Francisco and Wash., DC from 1976 to 1984. Afterwards, as a consultant his clients included Earthjustice, Hawaii’s Thousand Friends, Sierra Club, Southern Environmental Law Center, and Waterkeeper Alliance.

He and his wife of 26 years, Sonja Henrixson, lived in Hawaii for 11 years before moving to Seattle. In addition to his wife, Mike is survived by his stepdaughter Suzanne Strandberg [Neil] and two children. Spring memorials will be held in Ohio and DC. Information at: