
Obituaries » James Roy Monaco

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James Roy Monaco

August 31, 1925 - August 29, 2024

U.S. Veteran

Obituary Viewed 774 times

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James Monaco and his sweet wife Maria, were our (my husband David and me) across-the-street neighbors. They were welcoming from the moment we moved into our home in April of 1980. We soon learned what a GREAT diver James was, and he regularly brought us abalone from his dives, along with vermillion rock fish. Thanks to James, we have an incredible collection of abalone shells that I have kept and plan to make into an art object. About 7 of the various neighborhood homes inhabitants hung out together. As neighbors, we bonded over the tragic death of John Monaco, Maria and James's son, at age 21. He died about 5 months after we moved into our home. John Monaco had helped me do house projects when we first moved into our home. He was skilled and sweet. His death was a shock that would have broken up many marriages, but Maria and James held fast to each other, and to their their daughter Maria Elena, to Maria's sister, and many diving friends of James. Friends, neighbors and family surrounded them. Living across the street, I saw James on a daily basis until he and Maria moved to the Seattle area (maybe 30 years later) to be nearer to their daughter Maria Elena, and her family. We always said hello and chatted about what was going on in our lives. James and I continued to stay in touch by email after they moved. James sent me THE FUNNIEST email jokes! I was always forwarding them. James was a marvel. He defied age. He listened well. He was crazy-proud of his grandchildren. His was a life well lived and I am priviledged to have known him.

Posted by Ann Hall on September 30, 2024

James Monaco and his sweet wife Maria, were our (my husband David and me) across-the-street neighbors. They were welcoming from the moment we moved into our home in April of 1980. We soon learned what a GREAT diver James was, and he regularly brought us abalone from his dives, along with vermillion rock fish. Thanks to James, we have an incredible collection of abalone shells that I have kept and plan to make into an art object. About 7 of the various neighborhood homes inhabitants hung out together. As neighbors, we bonded over the tragic death of John Monaco, Maria and James's son, at age 21. He died about 5 months after we moved into our home. John Monaco had helped me do house projects when we first moved into our home. He was skilled and sweet. His death was a shock that would have broken up many marriages, but Maria and James held fast to each other, and to their their daughter Maria Elena, to Maria's sister, and many diving friends of James. Friends, neighbors and family surrounded them. Living across the street, I saw James on a daily basis until he and Maria moved to the Seattle area (maybe 30 years later) to be nearer to their daughter Maria Elena, and her family. We always said hello and chatted about what was going on in our lives. James and I continued to stay in touch by email after they moved. James sent me THE FUNNIEST email jokes! I was always forwarding them. James was a marvel. He defied age. He listened well. He was crazy-proud of his grandchildren. His was a life well lived and I am priviledged to have known him.

Posted by Ann Hall on September 30, 2024

I met Jim back when I was a teenaged deckhand on the dive boat Truth. Back in the days we would operate single day trips out to San Nicolas Island on weekends and the famous Thursday “shit day” sure happy it’s Thursday. Jim was one of the most frequent flyers. I never saw anyone as possessed about getting the biggest lobster onboard than he. After moving the boats to Santa Barbara from LA Jim would drive up as we switched most of our diving to the Northern Channel Islands. At Tallcot Shoals, Santa Rosa Island Jim would take off and swim in one direction until he ran out of air and then proceed to make a VERY long surface swim back to the boat. One would be crazy to attempt that today with the increased numbers of white sharks! Jim And Maria were like family to Dana and I and they attended our wedding. Dana tells the story of how Maria gave her a little advise about writing the check at the grocery store for more than the balance and put that little extra in her purse for some mad money. She assured Dana “they will never know.” Once Jim and Maria moved up to Washington I lost track of them but heard about his dive adventures into his later years. Jim was loved by everyone he came in contact with because of his calm, enlightened soul. He will be truly missed.

Posted by glen fritzler on September 30, 2024

I met Jim back when I was a teenaged deckhand on the dive boat Truth. Back in the days we would operate single day trips out to San Nicolas Island on weekends and the famous Thursday “shit day” sure happy it’s Thursday. Jim was one of the most frequent flyers. I never saw anyone as possessed about getting the biggest lobster onboard than he. After moving the boats to Santa Barbara from LA Jim would drive up as we switched most of our diving to the Northern Channel Islands. At Tallcot Shoals, Santa Rosa Island Jim would take off and swim in one direction until he ran out of air and then proceed to make a VERY long surface swim back to the boat. One would be crazy to attempt that today with the increased numbers of white sharks! Jim And Maria were like family to Dana and I and they attended our wedding. Dana tells the story of how Maria gave her a little advise about writing the check at the grocery store for more than the balance and put that little extra in her purse for some mad money. She assured Dana “they will never know.” Once Jim and Maria moved up to Washington I lost track of them but heard about his dive adventures into his later years. Jim was loved by everyone he came in contact with because of his calm, enlightened soul. He will be truly missed.

Posted by glen fritzler on September 30, 2024

I met Jim at Marysville YMCA. He had a regular schedule at the Y. I would see him on the treadmill and accuse him of trying to wear it out. We exchanged stories about our families, our military backgrounds and our life adventures. These stories always included humor, one of Jim’s traits. We stopped seeing each other after he started going to the Everett Y. We met twice after that. Once we had one of McDonalds finest hamburgers. The other meeting was I got to give him and his family a tour of the Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum at Paine Field where I volunteer. I will miss him. He and his family are now included in my morning prayers.

Posted by Paul Miller on September 24, 2024

I met Jim at Marysville YMCA. He had a regular schedule at the Y. I would see him on the treadmill and accuse him of trying to wear it out. We exchanged stories about our families, our military backgrounds and our life adventures. These stories always included humor, one of Jim’s traits. We stopped seeing each other after he started going to the Everett Y. We met twice after that. Once we had one of McDonalds finest hamburgers. The other meeting was I got to give him and his family a tour of the Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum at Paine Field where I volunteer. I will miss him. He and his family are now included in my morning prayers.

Posted by Paul Miller on September 24, 2024

I met Jim at Marysville YMCA. He had a regular schedule at the Y. I would see him on the treadmill and accuse him of trying to wear it out. We exchanged stories about our families, our military backgrounds and our life adventures. These stories always included humor, one of Jim’s traits. We stopped seeing each other after he started going to the Everett Y. We met twice after that. Once we had one of McDonalds finest hamburgers. The other meeting was I got to give him and his family a tour of the Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum at Paine Field where I volunteer. I will miss him. He and his family are now included in my morning prayers.

Posted by Paul Miller on September 24, 2024

I Loved my Grandfather very much and have many fond memories of him. I pray that there is scuba diving in Heaven because he enjoyed it so much. There are many things that I will miss about him especially his emails of the joke of the day! Rest in peace Grandpa, Love Always, Ginger

Posted by Ginger Grycel on September 23, 2024

Posted by Sara Azat on September 22, 2024

I know Jim from Truth Aquatics & he & Steve came out most Thursdays while I was working in the galley. We had a great time telling stories, playing pranks & diving. I do remember being quite worried one time when Jim did not return to the boat right away-we had called & sounded the signal, but the fog had rolled in during the dive. Finally, we saw him snorkeling back from quite far away. I shared a photo of Jim, Steve & I with our lobster, & a collage of Jim with Chris Shemet, one with Lisa Johnson & Jim with a giant abalone. Jim was a treasure & a truly wonderful person. My love to his family & cheers to a life well lived!

Posted by Sara Azat on September 22, 2024

Posted by Sara Azat on September 22, 2024

I met James and Maria when I moved from Brazil to the United States. Maria's dad was my godfather. When my parents came to visit me here in the US, we made a visit to Los Angeles, and we reached out to them. My parents and I had a great time meeting our relatives back then. And from that moment on, James always reached out, we exchanged phone calls, messages, cards... He followed my path in the US closely, from my studies to my career to the beginnings of my own family here... And I would also hear of their trips around the world, scuba diving or not. I also followed their transition to Washington State to live closer to Maria Elena and the grandchildren. Unfortunately, I was settled on the East Coast and James and Maria were on the West Coast. But, despite the few opportunities of meeting in person, we grew closer and closer over the years. They did have an opportunity of visiting my parents and sisters in Brazil. And I met them a number of times here in the US. I will miss my exchanges with James for sure... He was such a kind and insightful person, never afraid of giving me his advice and perspectives on living and prospering in this country. Love to Maria, Maria Elena, and the grandchildren. You were blessed with such an amazing person.

Posted by Paulo Flor on September 22, 2024

James, Maria, and Paulo in Los Angeles.

Posted by Paulo Flor on September 22, 2024

Paulo, James, and Maria in Los Angeles.

Posted by Paulo Flor on September 22, 2024

Paulo, James, and Maria in Los Angeles.

Posted by Paulo Flor on September 22, 2024

Working as a deckhand, I had the honor to fill his tank with more air than the other divers. Jimmy would be the first one off the boat and first one back. He loved his Calico bass. That I would cook for him on the trip home. When he wore his red beanie he looked like the man Cousteau. We had great times, great dives. All wonderful people. Thanks for the memories Jimmy. See you on the other side xoxo captain shemi

Posted by Capt shemi on September 14, 2024

I was fortunate to be part of the Monaco clan! Maria E and I first met in 2nd grade at Blessed Sacrament. Maria's mom was our school mom! We remain best of friends till this day! As we grew up, we continued our bond, and I would occasionally keep in touch and have lunch with James and Maria B. They ate like birds. They would share a salad together, and that was enough for the both of them. James and Maria B eventually moved to Seattle to be closer to Maria E and their grandkids. James and I continued as email pals through the years! It's not everyday you get the opportunity to have a 90 something, who had lots of energy to share family updates thru email. I went to Seattle for a visit in Aug2014. As usual, I was welcomed with open arms by James and Maria B during my visit! Check out the photo added in the Gallery. During their travel adventures, James and Maria B was always happy to collect fridge magnets for my collection. They were able to fill 2 large magnet boards for my collection. I will always cherish all the memories of their journeys around the world! James was full of life! He enjoyed exchanging emails. He was especially delighted when he received pictures of my grandbabies! They would make copies and place their photos on their fridge. James definitely will be missed! He truly was a gem!!! 🥰💜 James will remain forever in my heart and prayers 😇

Posted by Theresa Gilbertson on September 12, 2024

My visit with The Monaco's in Seattle - Me, Maria E, James, and Maria B

Posted by Theresa Gilbertson on September 11, 2024

Belize October 2009

Posted by Mark Perlstein on September 10, 2024

Belize October 2009

Posted by Mark Perlstein on September 10, 2024

Belize October 2009

Posted by Mark Perlstein on September 10, 2024

Belize October 2009

Posted by Mark Perlstein on September 10, 2024

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

Happy times!

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

Happy times!

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

I knew James for about 27 years. We met in Fiji and became dive buddies. After that I would email him my trip details and him and Maria would show up. We met in Sipidan Malaysia for my 50th birthday, did a liveaboard in the Maldives for New Year's Eve, Big Corn Island in Nicaragua, Belize, Philippines, Lembeth Indonesia,back to Fiji and we met several times in Bonaire hope I didn't leave any places out! As he got older I thought it was better for him to dive in Bonaire since it was easy. I was fortunate to do his last dive at 90 with him as my buddy, he made the local newspaper in Marysville and was so proud of that! I will miss him dearly. I am happy I got to visit him and Maria last month. I will blow you a kiss underwater on my next dive and will never forget our special time together. Thank you, I am so honored to have known you. Love Cindi

Posted by Cind Gassaro on September 10, 2024

I met Jim almost 50 years ago. We met on the Truth, one of the scuba diving boats operating in Southern California. Jim stuck out in the crowd of divers as he was a great spear fisherman and lobster diver. He was charismatic and many of the divers looked up to him. Not jut because of his skill, but because he was always friendly and offered advice to the new divers on how to catch their limits. I had the pleasure to become friends with Jim, not just on the dive boat. He invited me to his house for dinner one day and that was the beginning of a life long friendship. During a difficult time in my life Jim had me over to his house nearly every week for dinner, always deliciously prepared by his wife Maria, and after dinner we would relax with a vodka and spend a couple of hours talking about everything. As a testament to the durability of our friendship, despite not being on the same side of the fence when it came to politics, we could discuss our points of view and never become angry. In fact we both grew during our talks. Over the years we spent many hours together and did many things besides diving. But of course we still went on the boats frequently and were both part of the "Thursday - open water - regulars" crowd. Regrettably I never got to go on any international diving trips with Jim but I am grateful for all of time we spent on Southern California boats. Later when Jim and Maria moved to Washington state we continued talking frequently on the phone and occasionally we met in Washington or Southern California. I am honored to have known Jim and blessed to have him as a friend. I will miss him and always cherish him in my thoughts.

Posted by George Armstrong on September 10, 2024

I met Mr. Monaco when he was in his eighties. He and Mrs. Monaco were world travelers. When he was home, he would workout and socialize at the local YMCA. He enjoyed driving and exploring places in Washington State. As a friend of his daughter, Maria E., he welcomed me into his home. I enjoyed hearing diving stories from Southern California. He was especially proud of his long marriage and his daughter, and always proud of his grandchildren, often telling me of their individual accomplishments. Mr. Monaco was an example and inspiration to live life to the fullest. PS He told me to call him James, but could never seem to see him as anything but Mr. Monaco. I had a lot of respect for him. Happy Trails! Susan B.

Posted by Susan B. on September 9, 2024